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Member reports Overview

Find out how many active members you have, who has cancelled, all prospect members, what message have been sent out and more

Updated over a year ago

To access the members reports you will go to the reports

Then go to the members reports section

Below are the different reports within this section

Overview & new gain - see how many memberships started this month compared to before.

Overdue members - see what members owe money, as well as how much they owe with the option to collect this.

New members - See all member who have recently signed up to a new membership plan

Renewed members - See what members used renewable plans.

Attendance - See who has been in the club, and what time.

Referrals - See what members have been referred to the club by another member, a member of staff.

Active members summary - see how many members are on each plan, and what % this would take up.

Active members - see how many active members you have, and what plan they have. it will include the start dates and how much they have paid to date on the plan.

Cancelled members - you can see what memberships have been cancelled on members accounts.

Frozen members - See what members are currently frozen.

All expiring members - See what members are due to freeze soon.

All expired members - See members who are currently in the expired status.

All verified members - See what members are using the member app.

Non-verified members - See members who have not downloaded the app.

Members with bolt-ons - see what members have a monthly or weekly bolt-on attached.

Outstanding credits - see what members have credits on their account. As well as when they will need to be used by.

All prospect members - Members who have signed up online but did not purchase a membership plan or products.

All customers- Members who have purchased products but not purchased a membership plan.

All hot prospects - Members who signed up online, added a plan to the basket but never complete the transaction.

Birthday list - See who's birthday it is.

Marketing source - see which method was best for members to sign up.

Messages - see what messages were sent to members.

Parq report - see who has filled in the parq and see who has not filled in the parq.

All awards - see what members have earned what rewards.

Award review - see hat members are due to review an award.

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