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Member App Emulator

How to see a preview of what your member app looks like on the members side.

Updated over a week ago

What is the purpose of the emulator?

The most important part of a customers online experience is to make sure that you can see easily how your club looks online at any time in one place.

This is exactly what the emulator does for you by allowing you to see how your customers see your club instantly.

Now you can make changes with ease and then review them to make sure it all looks good to go

Where do I find it?

Go to Settings > Go to Club Info > Apps

The Member App Emulator

Once you are in the preview area you can see what you customers and make changes in the main settings area, then go to the emulator to see how those changes you have just made look on the Member App

For example change the images, look at the how online booking flows, On demand content etc

Top Tips
The Members App will always work as it has been set up so it is key to make sure it is all looking as you want it to.

  • Add images as great pictures sell

  • Add word content to your membership plans to sell their benefits

  • Add in activity/class descriptions to entice your customers to book

  • Set up you Club opening times

Most importantly always think about your content through the eyes of your customer which can now be done easily using the emulator.

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