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Accounting Reports

How to get the most out the accounting reports, learn about the operating and performance report, membership forecasts, member value report

Updated over a week ago

To access the accounting reports you will go to the reports section

Then click on accounting to find the accounting reports

Below are the different sections in the accounting report

Till History - showing all products paid through the till within the time period set.

Operating and performance report - See all paying's including till history, online automatic payments, new memberships started, cancelled members within the timeframe set.

Membership collections - see all membership payments within the timeframe set split into till transaction and recurring payments.

Debtors - see who owe money as well as how much the are overdue.

Membership forecast - Membership payments due for the next 6 months assuming no plans are cancelled.

Member value report - How much each member has spent at the club overall. Broken down into memberships and products.

Product value report - what products have been purchased within specific time frames.

Stock level - See how much stock you have of each product and if you need to order more.

Payroll (by attendance) - see the payroll on attendance of staff.

Payroll (by activity) - You can see how long activity is and the hourly rate.

SMS report - see what sms messages were sent.

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