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Grouping members together

Updated over a week ago

What are tags and how can I use them?

Tags are an exciting new flexible feature and a way for you to label individual or groups of members. Once tagged, you can then take actions on members labelled with that tag.

Tags are not plan, or status dependent, and you can choose your own criteria on which to apply tags.


This is a Complete feature only.

You can add unlimited amounts of tags to the same member.

Example Use Case:

You have multiple membership plans which give sunbed access.

You are able to create a tag (for example "Sunbed") and bulk apply this to the members on these plans.

If sunbeds are out of action you can email those tagged as Sunbed, to give them a quick update instead of sending a message out to all members where Sunbed news may not be relevant, or sending multiple emails, one for each plan type that allows Sunbed access. This is how you would carry out this action:

  • To bulk email those with a specific tag go to the members grid

  • Enter in the name of the tag and select the tag you want to use

  • Click search

  • This will only bring up those with the tag you searched for

  • Click "selected member options" and then compose and send your email which will then send to only those tagged as sunbed

How to add a new Tag to an individual, or group of members:

Option 1 individual member tagging:

  • Go to the members profile

  • Under the comms hub you can write in the name of the new tag for example 'sunbed'

  • Press the enter key on your keyboard and save the profile then it will be added to this member

Option 2 add bulk tags

  • Go to Members Grid

  • Filter by Member Status (e.g. Active) OR Membership Package Type

  • Click "Selected Member Options"

  • Then select the 'add/remove tag' option

  • Add a new tag name, press enter on the keyboard, and go

  • This will add it to all the members selected

How to apply an already existing tag:

If you've created a tag in the past, and you would like to add this to additional members:

Option 1 add an existing tag to an individual member -

  • Go to the members profile

  • Start typing the name of the tag, now select the tag you want to add

  • Save the members profile

Option 2 add an existing tag to to a group of members:

  • Go to Members Grid

  • Filter by Member Status (e.g. Active) OR Membership Package Type

  • Click "Selected Member Options"

  • Then select the 'add/remove tag' option

  • Start typing the existing tag name you wish to apply and select it from the suggestion

  • Press enter on the keyboard, and go

  • This will add it to all the members selected

How to remove tags:

Please be aware once you remove a tag from everyone on that tag, the tag will no longer exist, and you would need to recreate the tag if you wished to use it in the future

Option 1 remove a tag from an individual member:

  • Go to the members profile.

  • Click the x on the tag you want to remove.

  • Click save

Option 2 bulk remove a tag from a group of members

  • Go to the members grid

  • Change the search criteria to those you want to remove the tag from

  • Click selected member options, and press add or remove tags

  • Enter the name of the tag under the remove option

  • Click go


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