Important :
Before we proceed, please note that bulk updates always require 5 working days from the effective date. Therefore, if you make changes today, it will take 5 working days for the price change to reflect for customers.
You cannot schedule bulk changes for a future date.
Step 1:
To access the 'Bulk Payment Actions' area, first go to the 'Settings' menu in the top right. Then, scroll down to the 'Bulk Payment Actions' tab.
Step 2:
Click the 'Create new action' button.
Step 3:
Choose the membership plan for which you want to adjust the price. For multiple plan adjustments, repeat this exercise for each plan.
IMPORTANT : You cannot schedule bulk price changes for a future date. The effective date should be at today's date. This ensures that the subscription is updated correctly from the point at which you run it. If you collect on the 1st only, then running the bulk action on the 25th on a 30/31 day month will leave sufficient time and ensure that prices will change for payers from the 1st of the following month. February is an exception, and so to change for March, run the routine on the 21st to 23rd.
Step 4:
Next, input the new price for the membership plan. This will update the payments of all current members within the selected timeframe.
We strongly recommend double-checking all entries for accuracy.
Ensure that the effective date remains the same as the date you initiated the bulk action.
Step 5:
Send a message (optional but highly recommended!)
We strongly advise that you send a message to accompany the price change. This keeps your members informed of their new payment amount. It's easy to do this by clicking "send a message", then composing, select "no consent needed" (as this is an essential business communication and not marketing) and this will be sent when you run the increase action.
Please Note - any members that pay by Clubright Pay or GoCardless will be informed separately of their new subscription amount by email too. You may wish to include reference to this in your email to avoid confusion.
Step 6:
Click on the 'Check & Schedule' button.
Review the list of customers whose prices will be changing. If the correct customers are displayed and the setup is accurate, you can proceed by confirming and scheduling the changes.
If everything appears correct, click 'Confirm and schedule'.
The price adjustment for the selected membership will take effect in 5 working days.