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Learn all about setting up and selling memberships in ClubRight.
24 articles
Member Confirmation Email 📧Membership welcome and confirmation email templates
How to add a membership manually in clubAdd a membership in Club
Block UsersBlock all access to the club services.
How to Set up Multi-site AccessA Complete Solution Feature
How to setup restrictions on a membership planHow to setup an peak/off peak membership plan as well as how to use session limits.
Set up Membership RenewalsComplete and ProRight feature
How to Create a Paid Upfront Membership PlanPaid in Full. Paid Upfront, Annual, Cash Membership
Setting up a membership plans to only be purchased once.
First-Month-Free PlanHow to setup a free month plan
How to setup a membership to end on a specific datehow to setup a fixed end date
Membership Plan CategoriesOrganise your membership plans effortlessly
Member Groups Overview video
Parent/Guardian AccountsHow to set up and manage a member/child account using GoCardless & Stripe.
How do I set up Promo Codes?Allow restricted access to your membership plans, without any manual work!
How to Give a Member a Free SessionGive a member or prospect a complimentary bookable activity through the till.
What can be edited on a live membership planA video and written guide on what can be changed on a membership after it's created.
How To Turn On/Off Pro rata
Bulk change membership plan prices.Complete and ProRight feature
How to cancel a membership plan.Cancel a membership payment
How to change the price of existing members manuallyHow to change the price of a direct debit.
How to change a membership feeHow to change the amount a customer pays for a monthly membership fee.