Membership Plans
Within this article we are going to go over a quick view of membership plans and how to create them.
Step 1
To access your membership plans you will firstly go to the settings cog in the top right then to membership plans. Within here you can see all the plans you currently have setup as well as access deleted plans by clicking 'show archived'.
Step 2
To setup a new plan you will click 'setup new plan' then enter in the membership plan name for example monthly £25 per month.
The first page will allow you to enter in a summery of the plan, description as well as upload an image by clicking on the camera icon.
Example below:
Step 3
Now you can click on details.
Within here there are lots of different options to chose from such as if the plan can be brought online by members using the online app. if the membership plan allows club access, how long the membership plan will last for, and how the members will pay for the membership plan.
example below.
Step 4
Now you can click on restrictions.
Within here you can setup session limits which is how many times the member can enter the club, as well as time restrictions which are the times there member is allowed into the club.
Example below.
Step 5
Now click on activity access.
Within here you can select what activities the member is allowed to book into.
Example below
Step 6
Now click on bolt-ons.
Within here you can allow a product to be bolted onto a membership plan, this means when purchasing a plan it will bring up an option to also purchase a product at the same time, please check out our bolt on article for more information.
example below:
Step 7
Payment schedule:
First date 01/01/0001 means that when a member joins they will join on the day they have joined instead of for the future.
Collection day, you can set to immediate therefore the payment will come out on the day it was purchased or set to to the 1st, 8th, 15th and 25th they collection date will be the closest to the start date for example if set to the 1st or 15th and it was the 7th payment will be collected on the 15th.
How much - you will enter how much the customer will pay.
Frequency - Enter how often they pay, for example monthly will mean they pay each month.
How many times is duration between each payment, 1 month = every month, 12 months will be every 12 months.
Repeat times = how may times it will happen 1 time will repeat once 5 times will repeat 5 times.
You can also add other payment lines for a joining fee etc - Please be aware if you do add a one off joining fee it must be the top payment line.
Once you setup a membership plan please add this plan to a test customer so you can ensure it works they way you want. Any questions please let us know within the orange button.
As you can see there are many choices to make but all giving the flexibility to create the income needed from membership plans that you can control at your finger tips.
Top Tip
Always decide how you want to market your membership as this will give you the best ideas for how to create the plan. For example think about how long the plan will be especially if you are going to combine a number of sessions as part of the offer.
It's always advisable to have a time period set up so that it expires at some stage.
eg. 10 sessions and lasts 3 months, whichever happens first, means you can get a renewal income rather than leave it open ended.