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ClubRight Access Control Guide

How to setup an automatic gate or door for club access.

Updated over a week ago

Key Points.

  • It is important to ensure that your access control set-up has a dedicated Windows 10 PC. Please ensure the computer has at least 6GB of physical memory and is hard wired to the internet.

  • Check all cables are fully connected and nothing is blocking the ports. Ensure all hardware is working. Also please ensure the welcome screen is open and online.

Access Control Diagram - CR

Initial Setup of a gate / door

Step 1

Firstly go to Settings in the top right

Club Info and select the Apps tab

Download the Welcome Screen.

This will then download the latest version.

Step 2

The welcome screen should automatically open.

Log in with your owner account details

Press F12, this will open up the settings menu.

Step 3

Enter in the Gate command. such as 040 or 010

Step 4

Enter in the com port which is being used such as "COM1", "COM2", "COM3" etc

Please ensure you do not leave any spaces.

Step 5

Click set next to reader ID.

Scan a barcode.

This should automatically fill in the readerID section.

Step 6

Click save, then restart your welcome screen.

Step 7

Test this works with a member/test member.

Please remove any testing software as this would block the welcome screen from working

If you are having access control fitted please let us know 2 days in advance.

Types of Access method that can be used are πŸ‘

  • QR Code reader (generated by the CR Member App)
    The QR code will be numbers and letters like this example HEA123456

  • Bar Code reader standard barcodes

  • PIN number
    The PIN number will be 6 digits
    the same as the Membership number example 123456

Book your Access Control Survey

To ensure we provide the right advice for your Access control needs use this link to book a call

The purpose of this call is to scope out and advise how the ClubRight integration operates.

Useful links

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