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How to Set Up a Membership Plan

Here we guide you through setting a plan up to deliver the outcomes you want!

Updated over 5 months ago

To Create a New Membership Plan go to Settings > Membership Plans:

Next Select Setup new plan:

Then give your plan a name, for example "Peak 12 Months DD" and Click "Add and Edit":

You will then land on the settings page for you new plan and you will see a series of settings tabs, we will go from left to right:

INFO TAB - describe your plan, show the price and benefits:

Plan Name - This is what you and members will see when you come to buy or add a plan

Summary - This is a line that shows below the Plan Name when members are purchasing, and you can add text such as "Paid by Direct Debit" "One-Off Paid Upfront" "Our Most Popular Plan" for example

Description -When a prospect clicks on a plan to view, text here will appear. This allows you to present any further relevant information. For example "includes access to all gym facilities and classes" "Access during off-peak hours only 10.00am to 4.00pm"

Image - Upload a relevant image for this plan which displays online and on the member app. Make your plans look enticing!

URL - this is the direct link for this plan, you can send this out in marketing emails for example, or show on your website homepage as your "hero" plan!

DETAILS TAB - The main plan settings are here

Max number of members is for a joint/family/corporate type membership plans, please leave as 1 unless you want to setup one of these plan types. For example, for a joint/couples plan you would insert "2"

Can be purchased online will mean the plan will show up in the members area/on their app which customers can sign up to, If this is unselected the plan can only be added by staff

Cant be purchased more than once means a member can only purchase the plan once. You might apply this to a "Founder Membership" for example

Featured will mean on the memebrs area it will show up at the top of the list and show larger than other non-featured plans

Order and sorting set the order in which this plan will appear on your members area, 1 will show this plan first (although featured plans show at the very top) 2 will show second etc etc

Contact length is the minimum membership period.

Examples -

A 12 month contract that is paid in-full up-front, you would select 12 months

A 12 month contract that is paid monthly, you would select 12 months again

A rolling month-to-month contract you would select 1 month

A day pass you would select 1-day

A weeks pass, you would select 1-week

Cancel at the end of contract works with the contract length, so once this is reached it will then cancel

**IMPORTANT** make sure you click cancel at end of contract for ALL one-off/paid-in-full memberships, otherwise you will create an everlasting membership for a single payment!

For rolling-memberships that continue after the minimum committed period, whether that's 1 month or 12 you can leave this unticked if you want payments to continue until you or the member cancel the membership

Earliest start date will allow you to sell a plan now to start at a future date, really useful when you are opening a new gym and pre-selling

Payment Options is how the plan can be purchased and paid for:

  • Cash - You will need to collect cash, and update each payment made via the Clubright till. Clubright WILL NOT COLLECT THESE PAYMENTS AUTOMATICALLY

  • Standing Order - this assumes payment is being collected directly into your bank account, or via another external method. Clubright WILL NOT COLLECT THESE PAYMENTS AUTOMATICALLY

  • DirectDebit - Payments will be collected via Direct Debit (you must have a connected Direct Debit integration either ClubRight Pay or GoCardless)

  • Card - Payment to be taken by Stripe Card (you must have a connected Stripe account)

  • VAT Rate - if you are VAT registered insert your VAT rate here

  • Requires Promotional Code (available on our Complete package only) insert a code here, which will "hide" this plan until the right code is entered online by your prospective members

RENEWALS TAB - here you will show all plans that the member will be invited to select from when you have non-recurring plans (i.e. one-off payments)

Remember you DO NOT need to select anything here for recurring "Repeat Indefinitely" plans!

Select the plans that paid-in-full members can renew on, and the chosen time period that a renewal will apply over, both before and after the actual renewal date. For example, you might want to remind, and invite a renewal 30 days before the expiry of an annual plan

RESTRICTIONS TAB - set-up any restrictions that apply to this plan

Access limits - you can limit how many times a customer is allowed to enter the club on this plan in a given time period.

Once in total (a day pass for example)

Twice Daily

Seven times weekly

Time restrictions - you will enter the times customers can enter the club, outside this time will be denied access. This is typically used for your Off-Peak, or Weekend-Only type membership plans. Click "add new time" to show the times the member IS allowed in your club

ACTIVITY ACCESS TAB - add UNLIMITED class access for this plan

Click all activities that this Membership provides FREE and UNLIMITED access to.

If you want to restrict Activity bookings on this plan, then you must use bolt-ons, follow this guide here to show you how to set that up:

APPOINTMENTS TAB - Add any appointment types that this plan has available

Click here to learn all about Appointments:

BOLT-ONS TAB - use Bolt-ons to drive additional revenue OR to restrict class access

Visit here to learn more about bolt-ons to increase member spend:

Visit here to learn more about using bolt-ons to restrict class access:

PAYMENT SCHEDULE TAB - how much, when and how often, will all be set-up here


A great feature of plan set-up with Clubright is the Plan Summary on the right-hand side.

This changes live as you insert the features, activities, payments, associated with your new plan, so please always double check this section to make sure that what you have set-up will deliver the right outcomes for your business and your members!

Pro-rata First Payment - this is used where you have FIXED payment dates, and will account for the period from when the member joins, to the first available collection date

For example, if you choose to only collect on the 1st of a month, and your member joins on the 20th, pro-rata will calculate a daily rate, and mutliply this by the 10 remaining days in the month to give the pro-rate payment value.

First Payment Date - leave as 01/01/0001 to have this date as "today". If you are delaying a first payment for any reason (e.g. a pre-sell) insert that date here

Collection Day - use in conjunction with pro-rata. With Clubright you can structure your collections to be:

  • Immediate = everyday collections are available, and future payments will always be in line with their joining anniversary. For example, join on the 5th of the month, next months payment will be on the 5th

  • 1st of the Month - all recurring payments will only ever be taken on the 1st of each month

  • 1st or 15th of the Month - first payment will default to the next available 1st or 15th, and all recurring payments will be on that date also

  • 1st, 8th, 15th and 25th of the Month - first payment will default to the next available 1st, 8th or 15th, 25th, and all recurring payments will be on that date also

Important note on timings - when you opt for a Direct Debit payment method, for a NEW member, there is a minimum period of 6-working days before a Direct Debit can be collected. Brand new Direct Debits are never immediate!

Any Direct Debit plans you sell online, will have any pro-rata, or Joining Fee payments collected by Stripe Card immediately, so you recieve a good confirmed payment on day 1.

You also have the option to take the pro-rata/Joining Fee by card for on-site sales too, although you can schedule this by Direct Debit, remember it will be 6-working days before that payment is attempted!

Payment Lines - These allow you to structure your payment values however you want!

Important - If you are adding a one-off payment (Joining/Admin Fee) this must be FIRST in the payment line order


Top Tip - below are just a few sample permuatations, we can't cover every possible combination. But please get creative, use the Plan Summary to check the outcomes. Don't be afraid to ask our help team via the orange circle to check what you've setup, before you commit the new plan to sale, if you're unsure! We are here to help!

Example 1 - A Recurring Monthly-Pay Membership Plan of £25 per month WITH a Joining Fee of £50

Payment Line 1

Payment Name? - Joining Fee

How Much? £50

Frequency? Once

Then "Add Payment Line"

Payment Line 2

Payment Name? - Monthly Fee

How Much? £25

Frequency? Monthly

How Many Times? 1 every 1 month

Select "Repeat Indefinitely" to make this recurring until you or the member cancel the plan

The plan will now look like this -

And deliver a payment schedule like this:

Example 2 - A One-off Annual Membership costing £550 - does not repeat, no joining fee

Payment Name? - Annual Membership Fee

How Much? £550

Frequency? Once

The Plan will now look like this:

And deliver a payment schedule like this:

Example 3 - A Recurring Monthly-Pay Membership Plan of £25 per month WITH a Joining Fee of £50 AND the first two months are discounted to £5 per month

Here we can get creative!

Payment Line 1

Payment Name? - Joining Fee

How Much? £50

Frequency? Once

Then "Add Payment Line"

Payment Line 2

Payment Name? - Discount Period

How Much? £5

Frequency? Monthly

How Many Times? 1 every 1 month

Select "Repeat 2 Times"

Then "Add Payment Line"

Payment Line 3

Payment Name? - Full Price

How Much? £25

Frequency? Monthly

How Many Times? 1 every 1 month

Select "Repeat Indefinitely"

The Plan will now look like this:

and deliver a payment outcome like this:

Please Remember to use the Save Changes Button when you create a new plan, or adjust an existing plan. Don't undo all your hard work!

And finally, make good use of the Plan Summary tables - this is an invaluable checkpoint beofre you set your new or amended plans live ot the public!

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