Step 1
Firstly, check the membership plan allows for Direct Debit payments:
Settings > Membership plans > click on the plan you are checking > Details > then ensure Direct Debit is selected under Payment Options
Step 2
Online Joining:
If the member has joined online, and a Direct Debit is not active then:
1 - The member may not have completed the Direct Debit mandate successfully
2 - Their bank account details may not have been accepted as valid
In either case, reach out to your new member and validate their account details, and create the Direct Debit mandate by clicking Payments by Direct Debit on the Membership Plan pop-up on the member's profile page:
In-Club Joining:
If you have added the member manually in-club and there is no active Direct Debit then:
1 - Their bank account details may not have been accepted as valid, please recheck and re-enter
2 - The subscription has not been set-up, ensure you select "Set-up Payment Schedule"
3 - There is an amount ready to be collected as a one-off, in this case, select "Collect One-Off"
To check whether the member has an active Direct Debit:
Locate your member's profile
Select "Payments":
If a Direct Debit mandate is in place, you will see this here
If you see that there is no direct debit mandate, or it has been suspended click the yellow button to set-up the mandate