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Activities, The Diary and Online Bookings
How to setup and manage your classes and activity bookings, as well as organise staff rota and more!
18 articles
How do Resources work?Book a Spin Bike, a court, a pitch, a mat with the Complete Solution
Multi Site BookingsClasses and Activities across a Multi site facility - A Complete Add On Feature
Adding a bolt-on to an existing customer
How to Create a Class/ActivityCreate a bookable time slot using the diary
Creating and using Booking BansHow to stop customers from booking into a specific class for a time period.
How to setup a ticketing systemWhat is ticket purchasing?
A guide to setting up and using the ClubRight ticketing system for your events!
Limit the Number of Classes per Period Available to MembersHow to limit class access on a membership plan with bolt ons
How to create On-demand activitiesThis will also show you how you are able to add in a video to the On- demand activity.
Online classes with Zoom!Learn about how to setup your Zoom integration in ClubRight, effortlessly create online classes for your members to attend!
Access to On-Demand ContentHow to give your customers Access to On-Demand content
How to setup your diary settingsA brief guide on getting the most out of your diary.
Diary OverviewAn view of the different features of the diary
How to add a repeating Activity/Class in the diaryA simple guide on creating repeating, scheduled, and ongoing events which will continue on your diary in to the future.
Creating a new booking in your diarySetting up your clubs calendar